Sunday, November 20, 2011

We Close Another Chapter on 3-Day, Farewell 2011

So we've logged another 15 events for Susan G. Komen's 3-Day for the Cure. I think it is a little bittersweet that while breast cancer is not yet a thing of the past, millions of dolllars have been raised this year that will go to programs designed for research, prevention, and awareness. I think it is a little sad that for all the money that is stacked up in the name of fighting breast cancer we can only go as fast as researcher discover new learning about how to stop it. So until then, the best we have awareness and prevention along with modern equipment for finding and eradicating.

I think also bittersweet is that I will personally be looking forward to another year of 3-Day for the Cure in 2012. I long for the day when I can say that I no longer need to participate because the answer has been found.

Until then, I bid 2011 farewell. I had an awesome time in both San Francisco and Arizona! I am planning 3 events next year where I hope to make it to Boston, repeat in SF, and hopefully return to San Diego. There are so many people I have enjoyed reuniting with as well as meeting new people who share the same passion as I do.

So if you have something you would like to share or remember, leave a comment here! See you all next year.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Newest Favorite Team to Crew

Well, AZ 3-Day has come and gone. All the hype leading up to event was all it was cracked up to be and more. If there is one thing I need, it's challenge. No crew team has ever come close to Camp Logistics, until maybe now. Yes, I am talking about the Youth Corps team. Led by one leader for every 5 young adults, this job works you physically and mentally. The first sign that it's a challenge should be when you realize there is a background check. "Passed".

For those of you who don't know, the Youth Corps has been a concept at the Boston 3-Day for some years. It is a program that gives young adults a chance to be on event, work as crew works, and experience a sense of community for a common cause, the end of breast cancer. Young adults anywhere from 11 to 16 can sign up, but they must write an essay and more importantly, they have to raise at least $500 to be on the team. I was pretty excited to learn that our team of 9 raised $6,000 for the AZ event.

One of the things I find so awesome about this team is that it gives young people a chance to experience community, leadership, and a sense of giving back. Often, there is a personal connection to breast cancer. It's hard nowadays to find someone who hasn't been touched by this disease. However, we all work for a world where someday, we can reach a point where we can talk about breast cancer as part of our past...the way a kid today might question when someone talks about rotary telephones.

I think what's exciting about the team is the innocence brought to bear on an event that is centered around something so horrible. It gives me a sense of hope that future generations care as much about eradicating breast cancer. I find it refreshing to see an energy that has been lost in others, an energy I almost lost.

So you might ask, "Was it the Youth Corps that gave you a different perspective or merely a change in jobs?" And I would respond, "Both." I've been looking for something different for some time now. However, I knew it was going to have to be something more rewarding than what is currently offered. Fortunately for me, it was made possible and it turned out to be the right combination.

Will I give up Camp Logistics? Highly unlikely. I love that job way too much, but I certainly have a new team that I can see myself putting a lot of energy into!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Year of 3-Day Firsts for Me

So I'm sitting here in the crew tent before Crew Day starts in AZ and I have a lot of time to reflect. I'm realizing how much this is a year of firsts for me when it comes to 3-Day.

5. This is the first year I am doing AZ!
4. This is the first year I am leading a team other than Camp Logistics (Youth Corps)
3. This is the first year since 2005, that I won't be going to San Diego. Kinda sad about that one.
2. This is the first event I won't have any Ka'Nunu Ohana on event.
1. This is the first time ever (started in 2003), that I will get to see Opening Ceremonies!

I'm sure this weekend will be bound full of firsts and I am looking forward to new beginnings.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A New Venture for an Old Dog

2011 has definitely brought new changes for me as a captain. San Francisco was a great event back in September. A new adventure awaits me this week as I volunteer both in a new city and new leadership position. Thursday, I will leave for the Arizona 3-Day and this time I will be fortunate to be a Youth Corp leader. The Youth Corp program has been something that originated in Boston, but this year has been proliferated to all the cities that host a 3-Day event. This team gives kids from 11-16 a chance to volunteer and contribute to the 3-Day community. Many of the kids have moms that have been through or are going through battling breast cancer. What makes this team even more exciting is that each kid must raise at least $500 to even participate. So this is for the serious minded individual who wants to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

This weekend promises to be very exciting as we also have a completely new route for AZ. Watch for updates on the SF Camp Logistics team page (yes, I am leveraging) at...